
In a safe, relaxing and therapeutic setting, an hypnotic state can be induced in which people experience focused attention, concentration, vivid imagery and heightened suggestibility. This differs from the common perception of hypnosis in that people are not unconscious in a clinical hypnotherapy session. Rather, a calm and undisturbed brain wave state opens up the possibility for change to take place from our habitual thinking patterns or behaviors. In a trance state, the intrinsic healing power of the mind can be accessed and utilized towards transformation to make healing more effective and sustainable.
In the depth of our unconscious exists the movements of our unexpressed longings, suppressed emotions, abandoned memories and unresolved issues that influence our surface cognition and behaviors. In trance work, one uncovers the roots of our trauma and our wounds to transform them into meaningful, positive and vibrant expressions of life. Chien skillfully integrates hypnotherapy with somatic experiencing to facilitate healing and transformation within the unconscious and the body to relieve traumatic memories and support a return to wholeness.
In the depth of our unconscious exists the movements of our unexpressed longings, suppressed emotions, abandoned memories and unresolved issues that influence our surface cognition and behaviors. In trance work, one uncovers the roots of our trauma and our wounds to transform them into meaningful, positive and vibrant expressions of life. Chien skillfully integrates hypnotherapy with somatic experiencing to facilitate healing and transformation within the unconscious and the body to relieve traumatic memories and support a return to wholeness.